Eleven Months Old

Graham Rocky is eleven months old! I can’t believe my baby will be a year old on November 3 {I may be getting slightly emotional as November nears}! Graham is the most perfect little boy, and Cory and I feel so blessed to be his parents every day. He now gives kisses which I love, but you have to catch him to get him to sit still for 10 seconds {he is running around like a wild man}.

GrahamBuckeyes11months     GrahamOrnery11months

He now eats most all foods that we eat. He still loves mashed potatoes, mac and cheese, fries, and pizza. He also enjoys carrots, applesauce, bananas, sweet potatoes, and strawberries. He is down to two bottles a day and he is good about drinking water, he thinks he’s pretty cool drinking out of a sippy cup or a water bottle.

Graham also enjoys playing with cousin Lydia, watching Daniel Tiger’s neighborhood, climbing up the stairs, his penguin, and sneaking food to the dogs. He does not like walking with his shoes on, sitting still to get his diaper changed, or having his face cleaned off.


We love you Grahambo and we love watching you grow ♥

mrs. motivated mommy

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